Download Red By T.L. Smith Pdf Ebook

Download Red By T.L. Smith Pdf Ebook

Genre : Suspense ,Books ,Romance

A wound to the heart, a hole so deep.

Can it be fixed?

Or simply replaced?

People lie. Those closest to me, tell the most lies.

Do they not know who I am? What I’m capable of?

Sometimes I wonder if they do. Because when I unravel their lies, they will be delivered to the hell I once visited. And it won’t be pleasant.



Another amazing read

Loving this writer, love the characters as dark as they are....looking forward to Robbie getting his.



Once again I'm caught up with Black and Rose. Wow it's a good read. Love their story. Love the way it's written. Looking forward to reading the next one.

My Person's Books

Black is back

After Black left us on a huge cliffhanger we couldn't wait to get wrapped up in the second installment, Red. When you pick up a book by TL Smith you know you are in for one hell of a ride, the suspense keeps you on edge. The suspense builds and builds and when it explodes she blows you away, we are often left thinking, “How the hell did she come up with that?” Red is just as twisted and eventful as Black, you will not want to put it down until you reach the last page! Both living very individual lives, Black and Rose have been apart for five years. With Rose thinking Black is dead, she carries on with life the best she can. Looking after her kids with the help of Jake, family and close friends and her job. But on the night of her fundraising gala, someone from her past will rip through her life and tear down all the walls she has worked so hard to erect. “A part of me wishes I could ask for it back-I want my heart back. I want to not feel broken inside. I want to feel me. I can't, all I feel is for him. He steals my thoughts. He steals my heart. He stole my soul.” Black is a shell of his former self, after waking from an accident he has no memory of who he is. He has no memory of his past or Rose, he doesn't remember her, but his dreams at night haunt him, the voice he hears is like a calling and the eyes are so captivating. “It's the eyes, her eyes that I always watch. The blue in them, the way I can see so much reflected in the . Like they're made to see only me, to love only me. Then she disappears, and everything goes Black…” He is a brother to his MC club, he's the hit man. But things in his life just don't feel like they fit right, the only thing that feels right is when he has a gun in his hand. His girlfriend Savannah is constantly by his side, she has been from the moment he woke up, filling in the missing pieces of his life that he can't remember. “I've lived with this feeling for the last five years. I've felt somehow damaged, somehow I fixable. Like something is missing, but what? That's the question.” He may have no memory but this life doesn't sit right with him, while on a job, he meets a man, someone who speaks of his past. Someone who is about to change everything in his world. “Do you see me, Rose. I see you, Liam Black. Do you see me? I ffing see you like a freight train, and it's going to ffing hurt, isn't it? It is Liam. The best hurt you have had in a long time.” Wow all we can say is we want more! TL’s twisted and captivating writing takes us on a journey that is emotional, dark and fast paced. With Jake's book next in line, we can't wait to see how the story evolves.



I received an ARC for an honest review. Once again Red is told from Dual perspectives and T.L Smith has nailed them both. I love that the reader has an insight into what both Characters are thinking and feeling and will take you on a journey that will make your head spin and leave you wanting. I fell in love with Black and Rose in Black, and felt every bit of their Damaged souls. I was shattered throughout the book, until I got to the massive Cliffhanger at end and found myself yelling Nooo, It can't end here. Fast forward 5 years (thank god we didn't have to wait that long for Red) and Life as Liam and Rose know it is no longer the same, they are not the same people anymore....they say time heals all wounds but for these 2 Damaged souls has there been too much time to ever go back? A lot has happened in 5 years, will Black remember the life he started to live with Rose, will he understand the feelings he had for her or will his new life complicate that beyond repair? Why for the last 5 years has he been plagued by a blond woman in his dreams? And why does his new life not seem genuine to Him? Rose has had enough heartache to last a lifetime but when her past and her present collide in a way she thought would never be possible, will it be too late or can the whole in her heart be mended once and for all. There is only so much she can take before she decides she can't do it anymore, no matter what was before. Red is fast pasted and action packed and will leave the reader wanting more of Black and Rose. There were elements throughout this book where I thought I knew what was coming only to be thrown a curve ball, which kept me wanting more. Another fabulous read by T.L Smith. Reviewed on behalf of "Ever Growing Book Obsession"

Download Red By T.L. Smith Pdf Ebook

Genre : Suspense ,Books ,Romance

A wound to the heart, a hole so deep.

Can it be fixed?

Or simply replaced?

People lie. Those closest to me, tell the most lies.

Do they not know who I am? What I’m capable of?

Sometimes I wonder if they do. Because when I unravel their lies, they will be delivered to the hell I once visited. And it won’t be pleasant.



Another amazing read

Loving this writer, love the characters as dark as they are....looking forward to Robbie getting his.



Once again I'm caught up with Black and Rose. Wow it's a good read. Love their story. Love the way it's written. Looking forward to reading the next one.

My Person's Books

Black is back

After Black left us on a huge cliffhanger we couldn't wait to get wrapped up in the second installment, Red. When you pick up a book by TL Smith you know you are in for one hell of a ride, the suspense keeps you on edge. The suspense builds and builds and when it explodes she blows you away, we are often left thinking, “How the hell did she come up with that?” Red is just as twisted and eventful as Black, you will not want to put it down until you reach the last page! Both living very individual lives, Black and Rose have been apart for five years. With Rose thinking Black is dead, she carries on with life the best she can. Looking after her kids with the help of Jake, family and close friends and her job. But on the night of her fundraising gala, someone from her past will rip through her life and tear down all the walls she has worked so hard to erect. “A part of me wishes I could ask for it back-I want my heart back. I want to not feel broken inside. I want to feel me. I can't, all I feel is for him. He steals my thoughts. He steals my heart. He stole my soul.” Black is a shell of his former self, after waking from an accident he has no memory of who he is. He has no memory of his past or Rose, he doesn't remember her, but his dreams at night haunt him, the voice he hears is like a calling and the eyes are so captivating. “It's the eyes, her eyes that I always watch. The blue in them, the way I can see so much reflected in the . Like they're made to see only me, to love only me. Then she disappears, and everything goes Black…” He is a brother to his MC club, he's the hit man. But things in his life just don't feel like they fit right, the only thing that feels right is when he has a gun in his hand. His girlfriend Savannah is constantly by his side, she has been from the moment he woke up, filling in the missing pieces of his life that he can't remember. “I've lived with this feeling for the last five years. I've felt somehow damaged, somehow I fixable. Like something is missing, but what? That's the question.” He may have no memory but this life doesn't sit right with him, while on a job, he meets a man, someone who speaks of his past. Someone who is about to change everything in his world. “Do you see me, Rose. I see you, Liam Black. Do you see me? I ffing see you like a freight train, and it's going to ffing hurt, isn't it? It is Liam. The best hurt you have had in a long time.” Wow all we can say is we want more! TL’s twisted and captivating writing takes us on a journey that is emotional, dark and fast paced. With Jake's book next in line, we can't wait to see how the story evolves.



I received an ARC for an honest review. Once again Red is told from Dual perspectives and T.L Smith has nailed them both. I love that the reader has an insight into what both Characters are thinking and feeling and will take you on a journey that will make your head spin and leave you wanting. I fell in love with Black and Rose in Black, and felt every bit of their Damaged souls. I was shattered throughout the book, until I got to the massive Cliffhanger at end and found myself yelling Nooo, It can't end here. Fast forward 5 years (thank god we didn't have to wait that long for Red) and Life as Liam and Rose know it is no longer the same, they are not the same people anymore....they say time heals all wounds but for these 2 Damaged souls has there been too much time to ever go back? A lot has happened in 5 years, will Black remember the life he started to live with Rose, will he understand the feelings he had for her or will his new life complicate that beyond repair? Why for the last 5 years has he been plagued by a blond woman in his dreams? And why does his new life not seem genuine to Him? Rose has had enough heartache to last a lifetime but when her past and her present collide in a way she thought would never be possible, will it be too late or can the whole in her heart be mended once and for all. There is only so much she can take before she decides she can't do it anymore, no matter what was before. Red is fast pasted and action packed and will leave the reader wanting more of Black and Rose. There were elements throughout this book where I thought I knew what was coming only to be thrown a curve ball, which kept me wanting more. Another fabulous read by T.L Smith. Reviewed on behalf of "Ever Growing Book Obsession"


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